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DEXTERA joins forces with “Mes Darom” organization


DEXTERA joins forces with “Mes Darom” organization

We want to celebrate that in 2023 DEXTERA became the general sponsor of the first platform of coherence initiatives in Lithuania “Darom kartu su DEXTERA” (“Doing together with DEXTERA”) and the only environmental festival in the country “Darom prie jūros su DEXTERA” (“Doing by the sea with DEXTERA”).

“We are the generation for whom conservation of nature is a natural philosophy of life. As the market leaders, we feel a great responsibility to ensure that our solutions are focused not only on aesthetics, quality and economy, but also on ecology. Our company employs 200 people, so by supporting “Mes Darom” projects we also promote an internal culture of sustainability and give each of our employees the opportunity to contribute to a cleaner world.

Such social initiatives purify values, unite people and focus on the more meaningful joys of life,” shares DEXTERA Marketing Director Kristina Liese.

On 20 March, “Mes Darom” started with a new platform – “Darom kartu su DEXTERA”, where environmental initiatives and stories of projects that have already taken place will be published throughout the year.  In summer of 2023, the festival “Darom prie jūros su DEXTERA” will take place, during which environmental protection, education and culture are combined. The participants of the event will stabilize the seashore dunes, thereby protecting them from being blown by the wind and will participate in engaging educational activities, concerts and open-air film shows.

“Mes Darom” long-term projects and planned new initiatives corresponded to DEXTERA’s approach to environmental and social goals.

“Out of respect for nature and the environment in which we work, we have installed a 99 kW solar power plant consisting of 250 modules. The plugin on the DEXTERA website allows to monitor in real time how we directly contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and saving trees – currently we already have 1285 saved trees. We hope that other companies will follow our example and choose to use green energy in their activities”, says K. Liesė.

As part of its commitment to sustainability, DEXTERA has been offering its customers eco-friendly roller blinds made from 100% recycled plastic and Scandinavian-style blinds made from recycled aluminium for many years now. DEXTERA is the first and only one in Lithuania to produce terrace awnings with air-purifying fabrics, which have a self-cleaning and mold-reducing effect, thus saving water, chemicals and energy resources.

More information about the initiatives organized by “Mes Darom” and DEXTERA, which invite the public to rally together for change, can be found on the website www.mesdarom.lt

Moments of DEXTERA employees from “Mes Darom” event
